#48: 37L Aquatic Garden nogosastro valley

sestya achmadi fredinanto kebumen, Indonesia


Interesting rock choice and it contrasts beautifully with your deep green plants. While your main photo is very nice don't add extra photos unless they ADD to your entry in a positive way. Showing us photos that are a bit cloudy and full of equipment does nothing to improve your entry.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 25 × 30 cm
Title nogosastro valley
Volume 37L
Background black paper
Lighting cfl 2 x 14watt
Filtration diy canister 800l/h
Plants mini xmas moss, anubias petite
Animals 10 cardinal tetra,
3 red cherry shirmp,
2 horned snail
Materials substrate alor sand,
lukulo stone
Additional Information dennerle base fert,
diy liquid fert

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