#535: 920L Paludarium

刘勇 Fuzhou, China


Lovely start but it still looks a bit bare. Plant your aquatic area and give the whole tank time to fill in then submit it next year!
— Karen Randall
Nice works well with the fog element.
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 230 × 100 × 40 cm
Volume 920L
Background 香槟树皮
Lighting 金卤灯70W*8
Filtration 底滤
Plants 积水凤梨,空气凤梨,狼尾蕨,波斯顿蕨,水榕,莫斯
Animals 刚完成布景,还没添加鱼。
Materials 杜鹃根,沉木,藤

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