Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Natural Wonders
Volume 240L
Lighting T5HO Odyssea 54w x 4, 10 hours per day
Filtration Atman EF2
Plants - Fissidens sp fontanus
- Vesicularia ferriei
- Blyxa japonica
- Eleocharis acicularis
- Micranthemum sp. "Montecarlo-3"
- Hemianthus micranthemoides
Animals - Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Géry
Materials Substrate - Smekong II of Viet Nam
Additional Information CO2, water change weekly, temperature 27C.
(the two big leaves in the foreground are also totally misplaced)
Keep pushing I would like to see more works from you in the future!