#645: 6L Paludarium Nook bonsai

Natasha M Santos Ponta Grossa, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
I enjoyed your playful design and LOVE the inclusion of the sundews! It would be nice if the careful planning of the emersed planting had extended into the submersed area better but I understand that it is difficult in such a small tank.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 27 × 30 cm
Title Nook bonsai
Volume 6L
Lighting Pl 24w
Filtration no filtering only aerator
Plants Glossostigma elatinoides, Marsilea hirsuta, Vesicularia dubyana, Cryphaea tenella, Fissidens sp., Lomariopsis lineata, Callitriche sp., Eleocharis vivípara “mini”, Eriocaulon sp. Tibagi. Hydrocotyle verticillata. Utricularia gibba, Drosera sp. “Itaiacoca”
Animals 3 caridina japônica
Materials substrate Amazonia Mbreda, river sand

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