Dimensions 30 × 13 × 19 cm
Title Rio Negro, Shallows
Volume 110L
Background Black Gloss Paper
Lighting Current USA Satellite Plus Lighting;
Marineland Hidden LED, 21 Inch, White and Blue;
Elive LED Module Track Light, 10 Pods of Red, Blue, and White
Filtration Fluval Aquaclear, 50 gallon
Plants Echinodorus Horizontalis, Eichhornia Crassipes, Echhornia Diversifolia, Cabomba Furcata, Echinodorus Angustifolius
Animals 12 Paracheirodon axelrodi, 6 Nannostomus trifasciatus, 2 Apistogramma agassizii
Materials All driftwood was carefully selected from local wild areas. It was then shaved, cleaned, and placed aesthetically. Fallen leaves grace the bottom of the tank. The substrate consists of tannin stained sand.
Additional Information Fertilization = SeaChem Flourish and Flourish Trace, Root Tabs
CO2 = SeaChem Excel
I watched videos of researchers diving the flooded Rio Negro which indicated slightly murky water with suspended materials, submerged plants, and leaf litter gracing the floor of the riverbed. I conducted painstaking research of various sites and reference materials, including the Lista de Especies da Flora do Brasil for plant species. I additionally watched videos of those swimming the Amazon and of ichytologists searching for fish in the waters of the Rio Negro. The flooded waters are in no way crystal clear, but rather are full of tree fall and suspended detritus. In certain shallow side pools, cabomba can be found swaying in the waters.
Well I prefer the reflections of a biotope that focus on the small parts where plants ARE available.
The wood looks still a bit to clean and the arrangement of wood could be stronger.