Dimensions 35 × 30 × 25 cm
Title Spring
Volume 26L
Lighting Maxspect Razor
Filtration Eheim Classic 2215
Plants Fissidens Fontanus, Taxiphillum Barbieri, Spike Moss, Round Pelia, Rotala Francisco, Rotala Nanjenshan, Eleocharis vivipara "mini", Eleocharis Japan, Staurogyne Sp., Bucephalandras, Anubia petit, Hygrophila Pinnatifida,Hidrocotyle maritima, Phyllanthus fluitans e Pistia stratiotes.
Animals Paracheirodon simulans
Materials Roots Maxxi and collected rocks
However the mosses are a little longer than they should be and the reddish floating plants cause a certain misalignment of inappropriate attention. The right side could have driftwood finer and proportional to the size of the aquarium.
But anyway a good job in a small tank! Congratulations.