#318: 429L Dutch Aquascape A passion for dutch

zapartan Flaviu Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Plants look great. The composition still needs a bit of work since the aquascape now on first sight looks to be split in 2 sections: left with streets right more groups. More variation of those all over the scape would make it look more like 1 aquascape.
— Marco Aukes
This is another good try. In this case the maker has worked hard to get those nice planted “streets” but has allowed them to get overgrown and lose definition. And again the red is overdone.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 130 × 60 × 55 cm
Title A passion for dutch
Volume 429L
Background Black wallpaper
Lighting 8x54w fixture 25 cm from the water surface, 10 hours a day but only 6 hours all 8 bulbs.
Filtration 3 x 12 liter canister + prefilters
Plants 1 Clinopodium cf. brownei 2 Ludwigia peruensis
3 Eichhornia azurea 4 Limnophila rugosa 5 ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata pantanal 6 eleocharis acicularis 7 Syngonanthus macrocaulon 8 Riccardia chamedryfolia (coral moss on wood) 9 Ammania gracilis 10 Eriocaulon cinereum 11 Tonina fluviatilis 12 Ludwigia super red 13 Bucephalandra theia 14 Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Animals 50 rodostomus bleheri (rummy nose tetra), 20 white tetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)
10 Corydoras panda 16 otocinculus affinis 6 Sawelia lineolata 150-200 RCS
Materials Black wallpaper 1 moss log
Additional Information Dennerle scapers soil, dyi ferts, lots of co2, good circulation

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