#548: 200L Biotope Aquascape Shores of Kigoma area, Northeast of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa

Bilal Taha Taşdelen ISTANBUL, Turkey

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 50 cm
Title Shores of Kigoma area, Northeast of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
Volume 200L
Background blue
Lighting fluorescent
Filtration external filter
Plants Alg
Animals tropheus Duboisi Maswa
Materials Rocks,sand
Additional Information Tanganyika, in Central Africa and is the world's deepest lake after Lake Baikal in Russia. 3 ° 20 'to 8 ° 48' south latitude and 29 ° 5 'to 31 ° 15' is located between the eastern meridians. 6 is the largest lake on Earth.
Length: 673 km
Area: 32,900 sq km
Average depth: 570 m
Surface elevation: 773 m
Basin: 231,000 sq km

Africa's big "Rift Valley" in a place called the three lakes
(Malawi, Victoria, Tanganyika), one of the Tanganyika lake
and survive in shallow rocky areas. to live in rocky areas
why are eating algae that occur in rock thanks to the sun.
They enjoy plenty of light and oxygen waters they live in shallow waters. This is equivalent to about 16% of all fresh water on Earth. It has an average surface temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) and a pH averaging 8.4.

Especially found in the rocks of the upper part of the solar field
, Scrape algae in droves in these regions.
duboisi like all Tropheus species Maswa are extremely aggressive and territorial.
All Tropheus species are made incubator in the mouth.
They left the area after the male spawning females.
Some species (eg. The spin "black" Bemba) hid in the rock art,
some species (e. duboisi) after ovulation expense of its own nutrition.
the very marrow of their offspring duboisi .time is about 1 week.
Men are much harder territorial behavior.

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