#147: 182L Paludarium The beauty of tension.

Hugo Liao 高雄市, Taiwan

Awards and Comments


I really like the aquatic section. Now you need to focus your attention to your terrestrial areas.
— Cory Nudelman
This is a very interesting and well thought out design. The textures from all of the plants really make this an interesting piece to look at. It almost gives off a prehistoric feel.
— Tanner Serpa
Not a paludarium
— Karen Randall
This is more of an aquarium with emersed plants growing out of the tank.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title The beauty of tension.
Volume 182L
Lighting WiFi Edge Freshwater 62W *2組
Filtration Leilih 鐳力EX-1200E
Plants 兔腳蕨、彩虹蕨、菖蒲、虎耳草、辣椒榕、趴地珍珠、迷你矮珍珠、鹿角矮珍珠、噴泉太陽、青木蕨、三叉鐵皇冠、三角慕斯、淚眼慕斯、苔癬
Animals 金三角燈科魚9隻、女王燈3隻、
Materials 沉木、頁岩

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