There's a great selection of medium-sized aquascapes this year!
— Kris Weinhold
I had a hard time judging them because they were all very strong works. There were many wonderful works.
— Masashi Ono
There are some really nice beautifully composed scapes in this category and these tanks are tanks that are very manageable in the home. I love to see what you are all doing! Keep up the good work!
— Karen Randall
This category is always very strong and features beautiful aquariums as there are aquascapers all over the world that are specialized in working in this size of aquariums. It always surprises us with great layouts which confuse us due to the grandeur and proportions practically unimaginable in aquariums of this size. Enjoy it!!!
It always surprises us with great layouts which confuse us due to the grandeur and proportions practically unimaginable in aquariums of this size. Enjoy it!!!