#192: 288L Dutch Aquascape Aquagarden Park

Matteo Masotti CAPANNOLI, Italy


Why are all the plants only growing up to half of the tank?

And for Dutch Style this really is too many different plants.
— Marco Aukes
Healthy plants. One of the best Rotala displays I've seen in a while. Nice to see yellow plants. Plants on the left three-quarters of the tank need to grow for another week or two. Showing a hint of the black background glass is a good thing - it adds depth and mystery. But here the top half of the tank is black. Too many species especially in the foreground. Has about twice as many species as a Dutch tank of this size should.
— Vin Kutty

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 60 cm
Title Aquagarden Park
Volume 288L
Background black foam
Lighting one easyled plafo , two neon T5 39w each
Filtration oase biomaster 350
Plants from right to left: Eleocharis sp. Xingu, Rotala Green, Eriocaulon sp. Goias, Staurogyne repens, Proserpinaca palustris Cuba, Bucephalandra, Ammania Pedicellata Golden, Rotala Gia Lay, Limnophila Hippuridoides , Rotala Vietnam, Hygrophila lancea Araguaia, Ludwigia palustris super mini red, Alternanthera reineckii Rosaefolia, Tonina fluviatilis,Syngonanthus macrocaulon, utricularia graminifolia, Rotala indica ,Rotala Wallichii, Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata Curly, Myriophyllum mattogrossense, Cryptocoryne flamingo, Limnophila aromatica sp. Wavy, littorella uniflora, Cryptocoryne sp. Legroi, cryptocoryne sp. Nileshwar, Nymphaea lotus Red.
Animals red cherry, caridine, 25 hyphessobrycon amandae, 3 crossocheilus siamensis
Materials flourite black seachem, just 3 seiryu stones
Additional Information co2 supply just 10 hours a day with bazooka diffuser.
weekly change about 20% with RO and salts.
Kramerdrak fertilization (Drak protocol).
Tank started in July 2018.

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