#197: 96L Aquatic Garden BABAKAN FOREST

Yusril ridwan Banjar Patroman, Indonesia


Quite the enchanted forest created here! The stone work bleeding into the forest hill is well done and the textures are nice.
— Kris Weinhold
Nice forest tank with a more common nowadays colour contrast with its nice red colours on the surface. I feel this tank needs a bigger main element in foreground to achieve a higher impact.
— Juan Puchades

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 40 × 40 cm
Volume 96L
Background Sunblast
Lighting Led hpl 48 watt
Filtration Canister atman AT-3335S
Plants Weping moss, ricardia moss, bucephalandra, anubias petite, bolbitis, myrofillum red, tenellus, mikrosorum needle
Animals Amandae fish, 15 individuals, red chery 20 individuals
Materials Mutiara sand, rasamala wood mix rhizopora wood, criket stone

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