#198: 332L Aquatic Garden The first autumn wind

Ali Rezaee mashhad, Iran

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 110 × 55 × 55 cm
Title The first autumn wind
Volume 332L
Background Backlight
Lighting T5 54w ×8
Filtration ehaim2217×2
Plants Rotala rotundifolia
ludwigia arcuata
rotala macrandre sp red
fissiden fontanus moss
cladophra aegropile
bllxa japonica
eleocharis parvola
eleocharis acicularis
fissiden fontanus
cryptocoryne albida red
bolbitis heudelorri
rotala nanjean
bucephalandra dark brown
bucephalandra blou velcvetleaf
bucephalandra brownie red
bucephalandra brownie brown
bucephlandra so nangapinoh green
rotala macrandra sp green
rotala indica
monosolenium tenerum pelia
reccardia chamedryfolia
bucephalandra biblis
anubias pinto
taiwan moss
bucephalandra fake catherinae
bucephalandra kedagang
anubias pangolino
bucephalandra mini blue velvet
anubias nana petite
flame moss
weeping moss
willow moss
bucephalandra dark velvet
bucephalandra velvet leaf
Animals cardinal tetra
lambchop rasbora
galaxy rasbora
boraras uruphthalmoides
ancistrus temminckii sp
rummy nose tetra
ember tetra
siamee algee eater
Materials Wood and stone
laplata sand

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