#242: 288L Aquatic Garden Underwater Kaleidoscope

Nikita Zhelobov Kuwait City, Kuwait

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 40 × 60 cm
Title Underwater Kaleidoscope
Volume 288L
Background Black Paint
Lighting Chihiros WRGB-90
Filtration Canister Filter - Dophin C2000
Plants 1. Bucephalandra "Kedagang"
2. Aponogeton Crispus
3. Anubias Barteri var. Barteri
4. Anubias Petite
5. Cryptocoryne Petchii
6. Cryptocoryne Undulata
7. Cryptocoryne Wendtii
8. Echonodorous Aquartica
9. Echonodorous Cordfolius Fluitans
10. Echinidorus Ozelot
11. Echinidorus Rose
12. Ludwigia Palustris
13. Staurogyne repens
14. Rotala rotundifolia
15. Hydrocotyle tripartita
16. Microsorum pteropus
Animals 8 Koi Angel Fish
10 Neon Tetra
3 Blue Harley Rasbora
3 Boeseman Rainbows
3 Flying Foxes
2 Siamese Algae eater
5 Zebra Nerites Snails
Materials Dragon Stone and bog wood
Additional Information Inspiration:
I wanted to create a colorful display community tank full of energy and interactions. It accommodates my favorite plants and fish, so the entire family can spend time enjoying this underwater world

Fertilizers "Seachem", Substate "OF AquaGrow" soil, In-Line Heater and CO2

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