Dimensions 100 × 50 × 40 cm
Title Balance Energy
Volume 200L
Background white vinyl adhesive paper
Lighting - 09 hours per day
- Professional Plants Led light ISTA IL-403
- Light Boyu - 01 Grow Light T5 39w e 01 Sunlight T5 39W
Filtration - Canister Sunsun HW-402B UV 9W 1000l/h
- Canister Sunsun HW 403A 1400l/h
Plants - Hottonia palustris;
- Hygrofila pinatifida;
- Myriophyllum matogrossense
- Rotala sp. (Nanjenshan);
- Rotala HRA;
- Hemianthus callitrichoides;
- Micranthemum sp (monte Carlo);
- Eleocharis minima
- Glossostigma elatinoides;
- Marsilea angustifolia;
- Hydrocotyle verticillata;
- Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides;
- Hydrocotyle tripartita;
- Staurogyne repens;
- Hemainthus micranthemoides;
- Anubias barteri var Nana petit;
- Vesicularia montagnei;
- Taxiphyllum barbieri;
- Fissidens fontanus
Animals - Paracheirodon axelrodi;
- Hyphessobrycon elachys;
- Corydoras hastatus;
- Otocinclus affinis.
Materials - Aquasoil Amazonia, ADA;
- La plata sand, ADA;
- Aqua Gravel, ADA.
- Rocks Ryuoh, ADA.
Additional Information - Daily fertilization with Seachem Flourish Line;
- 03 Partial water change per week (15% each);
- Daily cleaning of glass and rocks;
- Trimming of plants around 10-15 days;
- Pressurized system CO2Art, 03 bubbles/sec, 09h/day.