#276: 359L Aquatic Garden Traverse

LU CHENG YU Tainan City, Taiwan

Awards and Comments

Second Place
This is an incredible scene! The layers of the forest/jungle in the foreground are great but the detail work of the path and rocks in the background are just as good. Nice work!
— Kris Weinhold
Very nice work. Amazing perspective sense and great power of the first plane tree. I liked so much of the paths they aren't obvious quite the opposite they are very natural. I would just take out some unnecessary logs in the foreground and on the main branch of the big tree. In addition to being out of scale they pollute the beautiful work of details in the frontal plane.
But absolutely a great job. Congratulations!!!
— Andre Longarco
This job is one of the jobs that has surprised me the most this year. The combination of a great visual impact along with great details in each region of the aquarium speaks of the great capacity of the artist. In my opinion an aquarium that deserves to be in the top 3 of its category.
— Juan Puchades

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Traverse
Volume 359L
Lighting MAXLITE x2
Filtration 桶式過濾器
Plants 黑木蕨、青木蕨、三叉鐵皇冠、鹿角鐵皇冠、鐵皇冠、綠宮庭、紅宮庭、牛毛氈、迷你矮珍珠、辣椒榕、迷你小榕....等
Animals 神風燈X20
Materials 青龍石、海芺蓉沉木

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