Dimensions 110 × 50 × 110 cm
Title Synergy
Volume 600L
Background PU foam, aquarium silicone, epiweb, rocks and wood
Lighting 2x Finnex Planted+ RGB
Filtration Eheim Professional 3e 600
2 waterfalls (natural filtration)
Plants Submerged:
- Micranthemum Montecarlo
- Eleocharis sp mini
- Cryptocoryne parva
- Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra'
- Hygrophila Pinnatifida
- Nymphaea Lotus
- Bucephalandra sp. Red
- Vesicularia Dubyana 'Christmas'
- Micranthemum Montecarlo
- Bucephalandra sp. Red
- Vesicularia Dubyana 'Christmas'
- Hypnum moss
- Selaginella Uncinata
- Boston fern 'Nephrolepis exaltata 'Marisa'
- Pearcea Hypocyrtiflora
- Peperomia Prostrata
- Solanum Uleanum
- Marcgravia Sintenisii
- Blushing bride tillandsia 'Tillandsi ionantha'
- Tillandsia Ionantha 'Mexico'
- Neoregelia Lillipet
- Neoregelia Marmorata
- Adiantum Capillus-veneris
Animals Hyphessobrycon Herbertaxelrodi ( black neon tetra)
Caridina Japonica ( Amano shrimp )
Otocinclus Affinis
Materials driftwood, dragon stone, soil, ADA sand
Additional Information Both of the backgrounds are weak current waterfalls, so the plants are allways wet and their roots help to filter the water into the aquarium