#435: 300L Aquatic Garden Echoes

HERVY Martial Veneux les Sablons, France


Very imposing layout and impressive for its magnitude.
It made a great visual impact at first sight and captivated by the grandeur.
Very strong shadows and good composition between the trunks and the plants.
Only two reservations about the thickening of the bushes which could be better and the front alignment unwanted.
In my opinion it is worthy to be among the top aquariums of this category! Congratulations indeed!
— Andre Longarco
A work of art from the perspective of plant use. This work would have achieved my highest scores if it had achieved a greater initial impact.
— Juan Puchades

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Echoes
Volume 300L
Background Backlight
Lighting 160 W LED
Filtration 3000 L/h
Plants bolbitis heudelotii, microsorum trident, hemianthus micranthemoides, bucephalandra sp, fissidens fontanus, fissidens miroshaki, riccardia graeffei, rotala rotundifolia Callicostella sp. "gunung sumpit, anubia nana « petite », vesicularia sp, taxiphyllum sp, prosperinaca palustris cuba, glossostigma elatinoides
Animals 35 Paracheirodon simulans
Materials local roots

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