#448: 96L Biotope Aquascape underwater caves in the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico,

Zhuang Yi 庄易 Chengdu, China

Awards and Comments

First Place
General Impression/Faithful Reproduction of Biotope:
This is a beautiful and innovative representation of a unique biotope. It only suffers from a lack of biodiversity. Cenote ecosystems are special because in part of the community of organisms that live there. Including only one species of fish is not a complete biotope.

Accuracy of Plants and Animals for Biotope:
The species in the display is accurate but there should be more species.

Accuracy of Hardscape:
Stalactites are the natural material but it is concerning that they would be harvested for this purpose. These formations take many thousands of years to form. In many places it is illegal to disturb them but I guess not in Mexico.

The tank is pristine like the biotope it represents.
— Ted Judy
This is an incredible display. I am HOPING that these are man-made pseudo-stalactite/stalagmites and NOT actually harvested from nature. If so congratulations on doing a masterful job. If they are harvested from nature... it would make me rather sad.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 40 × 40 cm
Title underwater caves in the peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico,
Volume 96L
Background stalactites and poto
Lighting 2 led10w
Filtration 创星CF1200
Plants no
Animals Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus 。 blind cavefish 10
Materials stalactites
Additional Information The first time I saw blind fish, I was deeply attracted, so I looked up a lot of information, and decided to restore the Maya underground cave in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.
There are a lot of mammal bones in the cave, so they stay in the water for years, and I used a possum skull in the water to simulate them

Reference video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = GRnA_6mWgIA
https://sites.northwestern.edu/monroyrios/2017/12/26/speleogenesis/ X3LY__lio_t

To find this stalactite feel, I also visited many of the local caves, creating a habitat for blind fish

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