#614: 30L Paludarium Cave-Works

Nigl Christopher Linz, Austria


Hardscape is nicely balanced. I would lose the Lemnoideae which would allow more light to aquatics which are lacking.
— Cory Nudelman
The island style of this design is unique and planted well. The sense of scale is great. All of the empty space really draws your eye into the design.
— Tanner Serpa

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Cave-Works
Volume 30L
Lighting Dooa Solar Stand G
Filtration Eheim Mini Flat
Plants . Hydrocotyle tripartita "Mini"
. HC "Cuba"
. Buce „Mini Needle Leaf"
. Taxiphyllum sp. "Spiky Moss"
. Riccardia sp. "chamedryfolia"
. Taxiphyllum "Taiwan moss"
. Anubias barteri var. nana 'Mini'
. Cryptocoryne parva
. Bucephalandra Wavy Green
Materials Loa Rocks, Driftwood, Colorado Sand, Aqua Gravel

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