#641: 182L Aquatic Garden 梦幻峡谷

jiangjiajun shanghai, China

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title 梦幻峡谷
Volume 182L
Lighting T5荧光灯5管
Filtration 伊罕600
Plants 天胡荽、椒草、羽裂水蓑衣、细叶铁皇冠、青木蕨、黑木蕨、莫斯、宫廷草、辣椒榕、迷你水榕
Animals 宝莲灯、花椒鼠、小猴飞狐、黑壳虾
Materials 松皮石
Additional Information 灵感来源于自然界中峡谷的风貌,加上自己的一些创作。低肥水质状态让水生植物生长的缓慢接近自然的状态! [The inspiration comes from the view of the canyon in nature, plus some of my own creations. The low-fertility water quality state allows aquatic plants to grow slowly and close to the natural state!]

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