Dimensions 50 × 28 × 32 cm
Title Jungle Path
Volume 44L
Background white sunblast
Lighting 21 watt DIY HPL
Filtration jebo canister filter 225 420 l/h
Plants weeping moss, riccarda moss, bucephalandra mini coin, chistmast moss, anubias petite
Animals 9 neon tetra, red cherry shrimp
Materials Altingian excelsa Noronha root, lava rock
Good proportions so many details and too much "field depth". Maybe the empty spaces would be better only in the center of the perspective and not in the corners and sides of the layout.
There is small driftwood in excess that causes an impression of confusion and pollutes the layout. The cosmetic sand in the foreground is too linear causing an impression of monotony. Maybe more small shoal fishes are welcome to compound better the harmony of the environment.
But anyway what a great job. You rock!!!!