Dimensions 110 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Wild Secrets
Volume 275L
Lighting DIY high power led 150 x 1watt
Filtration eheim 2217 + atman DF1300
Plants Fissidens sp, Flame moss, weeping moss, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Buchepalandra, Rotala Walichi, Tennelus, Nubias petite, Eleocharis sp mini, Bolbitis, Rotala sp, Myriophyllum red, Myriophyllum green
Animals Red nose fish
Materials santigi wood
Perspective is well worked despite not using traditional methods of vectors or lines that refer to the background. It is easy to see that the right side is closer to the observer than the left side.
The shadows were very well used and placed as they take attention away from the sides of the layout giving even more importance to the middle of the layout and highlighting the path and the most lit areas.
However despite being an excellent job I believe that some details should be mentioned. The frontal plane is very aligned and straight which gives monotony and a feeling of flatness. The profusion of details in certain areas gets to be too much confusing the observer. And lastly I missed more empty spaces on the horizon.
Congratulations on the beautiful and impressive work. Aquariums like this that inspire us and keep us connected with nature!