#788: 223L Biotope Aquascape Orilla de un arroyo, afluente del río Tenixtepec, Papantla México

Víctor Manuel Chávez Morales Poza Rica, Mexico


General Impression/Faithful Reproduction of Biotope:
This display is an excellent example of a very natural biotope aquarium. The only problem is the use of a non-native fish species.

Accuracy of Plants and Animals for Biotope:
Spirodela intermedia - native
Ruellia simplex - native
Pontederia sagittata - native
Ceratophyllum demersum - possibly invasive
Cabomba palaeformis - native
Najas guadalupensis - native
Riccia fluitans - native
Eleotris pisonis - native
Thorichthys maculipinnis - the natural range for T. maculipinnis is limited in the north to the Rio Papaloapan and populations in the Poza Rica are introduced. So it is not native in the area of Tenixtepec.
Poecilia Mexicana - native

Accuracy of Hardscape:
Very good use of hardscape materials.

The detritus the aquarium is accurate for the type of biotope.
— Ted Judy

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 155 × 37 × 39 cm
Title Orilla de un arroyo, afluente del río Tenixtepec, Papantla México
Volume 223L
Background Fondo negro
Lighting Iluminación: 2 tubos LED de 2400 lúmenes encendido un período de 8 horas diarias
Filtration Filtración: filtro doble cascada Sunny Shf 1000, filtro interno Sunny 650/720 L / H Spf 600.
Plants Spirodela intermedia, Ruellia simplex, Pontederia sagittata, Ceratophyllum demersum, Cabomba palaeformis, Najas guadalupensis, Riccia fluitans
Animals Eleotris pisonis, Thorichthys maculipinnis, Poecilia Mexicana
Materials Para la decoración se utilizaron: rocas de río con cubierta de piedra caliza, grava caliza del mismo arroyo, arena, hojas (Inga vera, Philodendron hederaceum, Guazuma ulmifolia), ramas (Cojoba arborea, Inga vera y Guazuma ulmifolia) , raíces (Philodendron hederaceum y Ruellia simplex) fruto de (Cojoba arborea e Inga vera).
Additional Information Cambios de agua: una vez a la semana desde el 25%, la inspiración viene de ver como cada día estos ecosistemas son destruidos sin apreciar su belleza [Water changes: once a week from 25%, the inspiration comes from seeing how these ecosystems are destroyed every day without appreciating their beauty]

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