#845: 110L Dutch Aquascape

Victor Huang Brooklyn, United States


Plant groups could/should be much bigger; is almost appears freshly planted.
— Marco Aukes
Inadequate plant and growth. Plant groupings need to be larger and denser.
— Vin Kutty

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 91 × 30 × 41 cm
Volume 110L
Background Black stick on backround
Lighting Fluval Plant LED x2
Filtration Hang on Back
Plants Aponogeton undulatus
Myriophyllum simulans
Ludwigia palustris
Ludwigia inclinata verticillata pantanal
Eriocaulon setaceum
Bacopa caroliniana
Tonina fluviatilis
Cabomba furcata
Blyxa aubertii
Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi x36
Trichopsis vittata x3
Materials None
Additional Information Dry fertilizers
Flourite substrate

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