#888: 64L Aquatic Garden Purple Haze

Alexander j. Williamson Seattle, United States

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 61 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Purple Haze
Volume 64L
Background None
Lighting Twinstar ea60
Filtration HOB
Plants Hydrocotyle verticilata, ludwigia x lucustris, ludwigia pantanal, rotala mini butterfly, cabomba furcata, potomageton gayii, ludwigia glandulosa, rotola rotundifolia, rotola walichia, althernanthera reniekii mini, Limnophilia hippodroites, bucephalandra brownie ghost
Animals Celestial pearl danios, erythromicrons, zebra otocinctlus, panda loaches, blue dream neocaridina, Phoenix rasboras, blue Sunday Sundadanio axelrodi,
Materials Amazonia I , fluval stratum and Oso Cascade mountain Jadeite and quartzite
Additional Information Dosed with 1 bubble per 2 seconds of co2 gas, and 2 pumps daily of both brighty green and brighty K from ADA

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