Aquascape Categories


Again it was a pleasure and an honor to be part of the judging team for the annual AGA aquascaping contest and a fun year for me doing all the “specialty” categories! Congratulations to ALL of our wonderful entrants who work so hard each year to produce their best work for this contest and thank you to ALL my fellow judges and to all the incredibly hardworking people of the AGA who make this contest possible year after year!!!
— Karen Randall
This year is 22nd of the AGA Aquascaping Contest which started from 2000 till 2021. In these 20 plus years I have seen many unique great layouts to get a prize or honour in AGAAC. Now AGAAC is one of the great aquascaping competition in the world and this makes me feel a lot of emotion. Another question comes to my mind: Will there be an end or bottleneck in the creativity of aquascaping? I think the answer is negative because there is no limit in aquascaping world the limit is only what you give to it.
— Dave Chow
Aquascapes that dreams are made of!
— Hans-Georg Evers
Once again I had the privilege and honor of being part of this select group of judges.
In a year where we continue to suffer the hardships imposed by the terrible pandemic certainly our beloved aquariums were the escape valve and the salvation for many people around the world.
Bringing a piece of Nature into home is a gift in itself. Being able to interact create cultivate maintain and delight in it is a privilege full of magic and benefits.
In this edition each aquarium judged by me was also a blessing that I received directly here in my home in Brazil confined with my beloved family. At each aquarium at each photograph I could rejoice in the beauty created by aquascapers and passionates from around the world. And this worldwide connection through the Nature Aquarium was one of the fundamental factors for all of us to remain firm healthy and harmonious.
Congratulations friends you were warriors!!! Thank you for sharing your passion and uniting your energies for the common good. There are no just one winner in each category...we are all winners!
Gratitude sums up my feeling in this edition of the most important aquascaping contest in the world!!


— André Longarco
What an great honor to have the chance to admire relax and qualify the 22nd edition of the AGA aquascaping contest. It is absolutely impressive. Everything I learned looking in detail at so many aquariums and even more what brings us closer to nature and helps us to respect and value it more in our lives.
The talent observed is getting better and better and I am excited to know that each year that passes there will be no limit to creativity and the ability to represent everything that happens in our minds in an aquarium.
Congratulations to all.
— Jhonny Vanegas Cardenas
What a treat and honor it is to be able to be able to contribute to the 2021 AGA Aquscaping contest. Never did I imagine that aquascaping would come so far in such a short amount of time. What an impressive showing by everyone who submitted and congratulations to you all for all your hard work!
— Marvin Lo

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