#131: 720L Paludarium 森林角落

王卓昀 山西省, China


You have not shown us a photo of your whole display so that we can see the water and land sections and how they flow from one to the other. That is an important part of a paludarium! We can just BARELY tell that maybe it is a paludarium because you include a photo of an Anubias and a fish from the top. That is not adequate to show your work. That is not to say that your work is not lovely only that you have not presented it in a way that we can see!
— Karen Randall
I like the terrestrial tangles but can't find the aquatic portion.
— Cory Nudelman

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 100 cm
Title 森林角落
Volume 720L
Plants 白云凤梨,北极星,霉点,琳达,棉花糖空气凤梨,姬凤梨,蓝精灵辣椒榕,针毛蕨,狼尾蕨,澳洲凤尾蕨,蓝星水龙骨,婆罗洲石豆兰,荷兰荧光蔓绿绒,三叉凤尾蕨,红拖鞋秋海棠,鳟鱼秋海棠,网纹竹芋,花叶盾蕨,葡灯藓,短绒藓,细雨藓,温蒂椒草,小水榕,小巴榕
Animals 紫三角灯,咖啡鼠,花椒鼠,熊猫鼠,

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