Dimensions 90 × 50 × 45 cm
Volume 205.5L
Background Lightscreen by "Lightground"
Lighting ONF Flat One 90
Filtration JBL Cristal Profi 1902
Plants Micranthemum monte carlo
Juncus repens
Eleocharis acicularis mini sp.
Glossogtima Elatinoides
Vesicularia dubyana christmas"
Flame moss
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Fissidens fontanus
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Bolbitis heteroclita difformis
Hemianthus micranthemoides
Rotala Orange juice
Bucephalandra mini coin
Bucephalandra mini theia Red
Bucephalandra mini kedagang
Bucephalandra brownie ghost
Bucephalandra Catherine
Anubia petite
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Animals Paracheirodon Axelrodi
Materials Dragon Stone
Red moor
Additional Information 2 water changes per week. Co2: 3-4 / Sg bubbles approximately Npk daily. Commercial fertilization: -Green Gain (Ada) -Green bacteria (Ada) -Phiton git (Ada) -Eca (Ada) -Flower excel (seachem) -Flourish Advance (seachem) -flourish trace (seachem) -Envy (aquavitro) -Propeller (aquavitro)
Very well detailed good proportions and nice mix of plants.
The superior part of the trees is awesome very natural and with a marvelous brightness that it even looks like a natural morning/evening light.
The shadows at right side of layout are perfect!
The foreground and the four corners of the layout are good but just one comment to improve and give a much better appearance and harmony.
If the layout had not been divided so explicitly in two parts it would be much more harmonic and natural. The path is too straight obvious and with no interest. Something more organic or not so obvious would be much better.
But look nothing that takes away from the merit of this amazing job!!
Great job!