#156: 125L Aquatic Garden Ember Forest

Scott Garforth barnsley, United Kingdom

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 35 × 43 cm
Title Ember Forest
Volume 125L
Background Stick on blue backbround.
Lighting Twinstar Light III 600 SA
Filtration JBL CristalProfi e1502 greenline
Plants Foreground - Hydrocotyle sp."Japan", staurogyne repens

Midground - Myriophyllum Guyana

Background - Rotala Hra, Rotala rotundifolia

Hardscape - fissidens fontanus, hygrophila pinnatifida , anubias bonzai, bucephalandra sp red, Taxiphyllum Taiwan Moss
Animals 15 Ember Tetras, 6 Corydoras habrosus, 4 nerite snails, x amount of ammano shrimp, x amount of cherry shrimp
Materials substrate - Tropica Aquarium Soil

Hardscape - Mix of manzanita wood, drift wood and redmoor wood
Additional Information The tank has co2 through a diffuser from a 5kg co2 cylinder with a 2 stage regulator. I use a surface skimmer to keep the surface clean and to pick up any loose leaves or debris. I use a fluval in tank heater at around 24c.

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