#226: 152L Aquatic Garden The Power of Flow

Dr Kaushik Bose Ujjain, India

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 45 × 45 cm
Title The Power of Flow
Volume 152L
Background White Vinyl sheet
Lighting Chihiros WBGR 50 watt and Sunsun ADS500C 24 watt.
Filtration Ehiem2217
Plants Vesicularia ferriei, Hemianthus Macromod montecarlo, Fissidens fontanus, Fissidens Miroshaki, Taxiphyllum sp.Flame, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Rotala High Red, Rotala Rotundifolia, Rotala green, Himanthius macromodes, Anubias pangolin, Anubis's coinleaf, Bucephalandra
Animals Paracheiradon axelrodi, Ottocinclus affinis, Caridina multidentata, Neritina natalensis,
Materials ADA amazonia II, Seiryu rocks, White sand and Drift woods
Additional Information This scape started on November2020 and still going on. Thank you all and be safe at this pandemic time..

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