Dimensions 70 × 35 × 35 cm
Title First
Volume 85L
Lighting Chihiros WRGB II
Filtration Sunsun hw-402a
Plants Rotala sp. Green, Rotala Hra, Rotala Rotundifolia, Rotala sp. Francisco, Micranthemum Monte Carlo, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Limnophila Vietnam, Hygrophila Pinnatifida, Staurogyne, Bucephalandra, Echinodorus Tenellus Blood, Eleocharis Minima, Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red, Hydrocotyle Tripartita, Anubia Petit
Animals Tetra Neon Verde (Paracheirodon simulans)
Materials Substrate Mbreda Amazonia, Ryuoh stone
With a nice but not-so-well-resolved hardscape this simple layout plays with some plateaus and offers a good sense of perspective and depth of field.
The Brazilian style is present in the awesome job with dense colorful bushes marking the skyline.
Despite the fact that the path is so obvious it is natural and well detailed.
I just want to see next time more different patterns of leaves and textures mostly at the foreground.
Be bold and be happy!
Keep up the good work!