#442: 144L Aquatic Garden Fallen

Jerhome Jacildone Alindogan CITY OF ANTIPOLO, Philippines

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Fallen
Volume 144L
Background Frosted window sticker
Lighting Margoo D60 - 2
Filtration Sunsun HW-304B and Sunsun HW-303B
Plants Cryptocoryne wendtii 'brown', eleocharis vivipara, bucepalandra sp super blue, vesicularia montagnei, anubias nana petite, riccardia chamedryfolia, bucephalandra apple leaf, hygrophila pinnatifida, bucephalandra kedagang, bolbitis heudelotii, bucephalandra silver aurora, Java fern 'windelov', Taxiphyllum 'flame', cyperus helferi, staurogyne repens, micranthemum monte carlo, hygrophila araguaia, echinodorus aflame, ludwigia palustris, cuphea anagalloidea, alternanthera reineckii mini, cryptocoryne parva and fissidens fontanus.
Animals Harlequin Rasbora - 6
Congo tetra - 11
Amano shrimps - 10
Horned nerites - 3
Otocinclus - 3
Red and orange crystal shrimps - 8
Materials ADA amazonia V2
Black lava rocks
Bog wood
Additional Information My inspiration in this aquascape are fallen branches where fish can shelter. I intend to make it more natural by the overgrown plants. Regularly water change twice a week and fertilized using 2hr Aquarist APT3 complete fertiliser.

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