#458: 135L Aquatic Garden Spadana

Iman jafari Ahwaz, Iran


Lovely layout that is well manicured! The use of surface reflection is quite striking and interesting to see. The foreground is too close too the glass in some areas and takes away from the rest of the layout.

Well done keep it up!
— Marvin Lo

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 45 × 40 cm
Title Spadana
Volume 135L
Background White
Lighting Chihiros vivid2
Filtration Sicce whale 500
Plants Monte carlo,HC cuba,Staurogyne repens,riccardia moss,rotala,weeping moss,giant willow moss,micranthemum,hair grass,anubias,bucephalandra,cameroon moss,phonix moss,riccia moss,hygrophila pinnatifida,fissiden vietnam moss,Juncus repens
Animals Rummy nose tetra, Amano shrimp
Materials Dragon stone, colorado sand ,dennerle scaper's soil
Additional Information Microbe lift bloom and grow
Microbe lift nitrogen
Microbe lift phosphorus
Microbe lift potassium
Microbe lift iron
Seachem Excel
Water change 50% every week

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