#538: 240L Aquatic Garden Citrus Orchid Haven

Abdul Halim Abdul Manap Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Citrus Orchid Haven
Volume 240L
Background White light screen
Lighting Chihiros WRGB2 120 and Chihiros A1201
Filtration Sicce Whale 500
Plants Micranthemum sp monte carlo, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Ludwigia sphaerocarpa, Ludwigia sp red, Hygrophila pinnatifida, Helianthium tenellum, mix of Bucephalandra, Hemianthius callitrichoides cuba, Rotala sp green, Rotala sp orange juice, Weeping moss and Christmass moss.
Animals Black Phantom Tetra 20, Red Cherry Shrimp 20
Materials Bogwood, Seiryu stone

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