#547: 129.6L Aquatic Garden Lost island

DOUHERET Maxime Le palais sur Vienne, France


What a stunning "double island" layout!!!! Island layouts or centered layouts are generally boring and monotonous. But not in this case!!! A simple and dynamic layout that impresses because of the movement and details.
Instead of using just one volume to create the island two equal volumes were used both placed on the Golden Ratio's position giving dynamism and movement to the layout!
The gradual transition of the density of the materials from the bottom to the surface is amazing and created a pleasant sensation of lightness.
The eyes of the observer float through the plants and follow the fishes that were perfectly chosen.
One of the few negative points is the side reflections that do not aggregate quality to the layout only create duplicate images that confuse the observer. Unfortunately is very difficult to take pictures of island layouts because the extreme points of the layout are always too close to the side glass. Perhaps using a lens with less wide angle the reflections might disappear but certainly the impression of the magnitude of this layout will be lost.
As a famous saying goes here in Brazil: "You will never have everything".
Congratulations this aquarium rocks!
— André Longarco

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 32 cm
Title Lost island
Volume 129.6L
Background Diy backlight 6000k
Lighting Chihiros wrgb1 90
Filtration Oase biomaster thermo 250
Plants scientific name. *
Cabomba, limnophila aquatica,phylantus fluitans, proserpinaca palustris, myriophyllum mattogrossense, Micranthemum monte carlo, hemiantus cuba, glossotigma elatinoides, tripartita, , hottonia palustris, Blyxa japonica, hygrophyla pinnatifida. Anubias mini , some buces species. Riccardia, pilo moss
Animals Red nose, red Sakura, Amano shrimps
Materials Ohko stones, genévrier wood, tropica soil, river sand, pouzzolane
Additional Information Masterline NPK, micros and all in one golden

Masterline Carbo

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