#620: 6.4L Wabi-Kusa Little beauty

Mathias Berg Offersen Næstved, Denmark

Awards and Comments

First Place
Beautifully designed Wabi Kusa with a good mixture of color and textures for plant choice. The choice of wood works very well in this particular design complimenting the layout very nicely. Great job!
— Bailin Shaw
Varied leaf textures sizes and color along with mixed in wood make this a great arrangement!
— Jo Ann Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 18 × 12 cm
Title Little beauty
Volume 6.4L
Background None
Lighting ONF flat nano plus
Filtration None
Plants Alternanthera reineckii mini
Hydrocotyle tripartita
Taxiphyllum alternans taiwan
Juncus repens
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Myriophyllum guyana
Animals Neocaridina davidi red sakura
Clithon corona
Materials Tropica soil
Dooa river sand
Black lava rocks

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