#648: 108L Aquatic Garden The Woods of 'Destiny'



A well-planned forest 'scape with very good plant condition but if you could reserve more space at the top then it would be better.
— Dave Chow
Beautiful layout colorful and natural.
Great job with red plants despite that they are mixed in few points of the aquarium the overall composition is very natural and harmonious.
The acclivity [upward slope] provides the main perspective sense in the diagonal line from left to right but the skyline at the same height reduced this impression of amplitude. Maybe if the left side at the top were lower following the diagonal perspective line the amplitude sensation could be better.
It is very important to create empty areas to allow the observer to rest the eyes and in this layout this area got too small.
Very good shadows and reflections but for me still it has too much wood. Perhaps because the reflection on the right side doubled them.
Last thing: never forget to work with details and dynamism in the foreground and not just put some flat rocks randomly deal?
Congratulations this job is very impactful.
— André Longarco

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 45 × 40 cm
Title The Woods of 'Destiny'
Volume 108L
Background Frosted white vinyl sheet
Lighting 2 x ADA Aquasky 60
Filtration Externally filtered at 1000 lph
Plants Riccardia 'Graffei', Hygrophila Pinnatifida, Bucephalandra sp, Hydrocotyle sp, Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Moss sp 'Crystal'Ludwigia Brevipes, Fissidens sp 'mini',Hemianthhus Glomeratus, Myriophyllum Mattogrossense, Myriophyllum Tuberculatum 'Red',Ludwigia Arcuata, Eleocharis sp, Rotala Rotundifolia, Microsorum sp, Rotala sp ' Wayanad'
Animals Melanotaenia Praecox, Hemiagrammus sp,Clea Helena,Caridina Multidentata
Materials An aquascaope using locally collected mangrove Hardwoods from Gangetic delta ,decorative natural sand and rocks used .
Additional Information Maturation time is 6 months ,Chiller used for temperature control in hot ,humid,tropical climate

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