Dimensions 60 × 40 × 30 cm
Title Rays among the greens
Volume 72L
Lighting Life Aqua Series Led Lighting Prime 600
Filtration Eheim Classic 2213
Plants Fissidens Fox, Riccardia chamedryfolia, Vesicularia sp. Mini Christmas moss, Weeping Moss, Moss sp. Bubble, Taxiphyllum sp. "Flame", Hemianthus micranthemoides, Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba', Rotala macrandra 'Butterfly', Rotala "Sanset" (Ammania sp. Sulawesi), Rotala sp. Bangladesch, Rotala mexicana goias, Gratiola viscidula, Boibitis sp., Lindernia Indica Red, Eleocharis sp mini, Anubias barteri var. nana "Petite", Anubias nana Pangolino, Hymenasplenium obscurum (Asplenium cf. normale, Crepidomanes auriculatum), Bucephalandra, Marsilea Minuta, Bolbitis "baby leaf", Marsilea quadrifolia, Alternanthera reineckii mini
Animals Boraras brigittae, Red Cherry Shrimp, Theodoxus fluviabilis
Materials Seiryu stone ,Prodibio AquaGrowth Soil,
Very nice natural atmosphere thanks to the wide space created in the center of layout. The wild appearance is incredible even a little bit much. Maybe a better pruning in some points it would take away the feeling of mess and lack of care. But nothing take points from the excellent job.
The outstanding work with the different levels of the substrate gives a great sense of dimension and space.
Points to improve:
1. The reflections mostly on the right side.
2. Too many trunks in the background. When we used repeatedly the same element they lose importance. To know how to use and use in the correct quantity makes the elements more relevant.
3. Take care with the red points. If they are placed randomly and without previous intention it takes away a lot of the attention of the observer like Alteranthera and some red shrimps...
But anyway what a beautiful aquarium!!!
Congratulations I want one of these in my living room.
Good Job keep at it!
I miss a little more quality in the plants they are not 100% of how they should be. In addition add some stem plants in the back; they will strengthen the design.
And try to use plants with smaller leaves in the case of Alternathera reineckii mini it would help to balance the layout more.
Good job!