#725: 5L Wabi-Kusa Heaven

Amila Suranga Silva Colombo, Sri Lanka

Awards and Comments


Not a Wabi Kusa more a "water plant garden " and no visible water. Please read the rules.
— Karen Randall
No water portion.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 30 × 6 cm
Title Heaven
Volume 5L
Lighting Chihiros C1
Plants Micranthemum tweediei MC
Cryptocoryne parva
Cryptocoryne wendtti
Ludwigia glandulosa
Rotala bonsai
Eriocaulon cinereum
Glossostigma elatinoides
Lilaeopsis novaezelandiae
Materials Seiyuru, Planatopia Natura Soil
Additional Information Used daily Planatopia Haze Mist fertilizer

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