#736: 80.3L Paludarium Hoia-Baciu

Marçal Galí Bohera Roses, Spain

Awards and Comments

First Place
Great job on the hardscape it really pulls me into the scape however the big pieces of wood on the left could use some plants to soften it up and break the symmetry with the piece on the right.
— Nick Kinser
REALLY stunning water area and the "bones" of your land area is just as strong. The plants climb out of the water seamlessly your tree trunks are spot-on... and then all the dead twiggyness in the back middle becomes a real distraction. I think you were trying to present a feeling of depth but it didn't work that way. I think it would have worked better to cloth those twigs in small-leaved vegetation or do away with them entirely. Go back to your hardscape photo and look at how much stronger it was with the rock there rather than these twigs... As they stand the twigs are a distraction in an otherwise REALLY exemplary entry.
— Karen Randall
Your hardscape is very impressive but I would personally remove the twigs in the center.
— Cory Nudelman

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 62 × 36 × 36 cm
Title Hoia-Baciu
Volume 80.3L
Background -
Lighting Chihiros WRGB
Filtration eheim 2211
Plants Hemianthus Callitrichoides, Bolbitis heteroclita difformis, Euonymus microphyllus, polypodium formosanum, Adiantum Raddianum, Athyrium niponicum, Andreaeobryopsida, Masdevallia minuta, Pyrrosia nummularifolia, Anubias nana bonsai,Hydrocotyle verticillata, Bucephalandra spec. Wavy Leaf, Platyhypnidium riparioides
Animals Heterandria formosa, Red cherry shrimp
Materials AquaRIO Neo Soil, JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral, slate rock and Cistus wood
Additional Information Inspired by Hoia-Baciu forest

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