Dimensions 40 × 30 × 30 cm
Title uyut dlosor
Volume 36L
Background sunblas
Lighting kandila S400 18 watt and HPL DIY 60 watt
Filtration DIY canister
Plants ricardia moss,weeping moss,buchepalandra,hidrocotile tripartita,hairgrass vivipara,pinatifida,anubias nana,umbrosum,rotala BSD ,rotala HRA,tennelus
Animals neon cardinal,
Materials plantabackter,planta house,planta base,planta soil,cayman sand,capibara sand,lavarock stone,rasamala wood,senggani wood
Additional Information Iam motivated to take part in the aquascape photo contest because i want to participate in this contest,besides that i also want to apply the knowledge i have learned while studying aquascape
1. Too much wood repetition. Makes the layout boring and unnatural.
2. Some plant leaves are too big mostly in the background and in the foreground. Better proportions gives a better sense of perspective.
3. The foreground looks messy. Too many unnecessary plants just polluting the visual space. Maybe if they were closer to the hardscape it would be better.
4. Improve the representation of treetops. They are incomplete and unnatural.
But congratulations it is a good job... keep aquascaping!