#796: 40L Paludarium World Tree and Guardian

Takayuki Kofuji Tokyo, Japan


Oh my. The first impression here is that this is cute. But then a closer look makes me think that you re trying to do too many things to the detriment of many. It is very hard to keep a Bonsai happy in a paludarium setting and to do that you have properly placed them where they will not get too wet. But that leaves the mosses you have placed around them too dry and they are suffering. The Pacman frog will get too large for this enclosure as well as needing more humidity than is likely available in this open layout. In the water area you have tried to spruce up the plantings with a bunch of newly planted foreground plants. Good try but unfortunately it is easy to see that these plants have not grown in. Try to edit your theme and not do too much in the same small space!
— Karen Randall
You need to do more than a little research in the husbandry of your frog and turtles but only after you immediately transfer the frog to safe quarters.
— Cory Nudelman

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 30 × 40 cm
Title World Tree and Guardian
Volume 40L
Background Black paper
Lighting Salaris8000×2
Filtration Aquaponics
Plants Glossostigma Elatinoides, Vesicularia dubyana, Rotala sp.”green”, Limnobium laevigatum, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Cryptomeria japonica D.Don cv, Zelkova serrata
Animals Ceratophrys cranwelli×1, Sternotherus odoratus×2, Puntius sachsii var×10, Paracheirodon innesi×5, Pangio kuhlii×5
Materials Fuzan Stone, Blue Dragon Stone, Driftwood,

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