#865: 2L Wabi-Kusa Wabi Athena

Agoes Effendi Bengkulu, Indonesia


Very nice presentation. I’m not sure I am a total fan of the strong pointed branch to the left. It is very heavy in the arrangement.
— Karen Randall
The colors and leaf shapes enhance the natural look. The variety leaf shapes really adds to the interest. Some of the colors look a little exaggerated however and starting to look unnatural.
— Jo Ann Fujii

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 19 × 19 × 8 cm
Title Wabi Athena
Volume 2L
Lighting Vivaria paludarium 45 watt
Filtration Waterchange every days
Plants Rotalla blood red, rotalla sp red, hydrocotyl tripartita, tiger lotus, anubias petite mikro, lilaenopsis, pinnatifida, hemiliantus cuba, monte carlo, moss bucepalandra
Animals No animals
Materials Rentek woods, sands stone, Bk carnivorus sands

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