#867: 24.6L Paludarium Rocky Spring

Sahaj Ranajee Bangalore, India


Your layout is bright and clean and the Cryptanthus brings a nice pop of color. However the large bare rock in the center is just too much. And please remember that the planting of the water area is weighted in judging JUST as heavily as the land area. Your water area really is not well developed.
— Karen Randall
I like the emergent wood with the moss on the left and that look would be great if carried over to submerged wood on right.

You have too much bare rock in the center that I'd soften with plants or another piece of wood. The Cryptanthus doesn't work up there by itself. If you added another two of the same species lower toward the center in the shadowed space it would be more balanced. Also tip them back so they are growing in a more natural orientation.
— Cory Nudelman

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 36 × 38 × 53 cm
Title Rocky Spring
Volume 24.6L
Background Back wall has a sponge base
Lighting Sunsun ADE 400, 8 hours a day
Filtration Sump behind which takes the water and feeds it from the top. Back Sump is full of biomedia.
Plants Java Moss, Flame Moss, Leatherleaf Fern, Anubias Nana, Anubias Nana Petite, Bucephelandra Wavy Green, Bolbitis sp. , Cryptanthus Neon, Java Fern, Windelov Fern, Bucephelandra Blue, Anubias Gold Coin, Trident Fern, Lagenandra Meeboldii 'Bleeding Heart' , Hydrocotyle Japan, Hydrocotyle Leucocephala, Bulbophyllum morphologorum sp. pink , Podochilus Australiensis, Dendrobium mini, Phyllanthus Fluitans, Jungermannia Truncata, Bolbitis Heteroclita, Monoselium Tenerum
Animals Blood Red Shrimp - 8
Chilli Red Rasboras - 4
Amano Shrimp - 1
Pygmy Corydora - 1
Galaxy Rasabora Fry - 2
Materials Black Lava Rocks, Azalea Wood, Generic Driftwood
Additional Information The setup also incorporates a cold mist maker that turns on every half hour and runs for 5 minutes. Fertilisation done from DOOA Suikei Liquid and Wabi Kusa Mist once a week after water change.

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