#103: 300L Aquatic Garden Wilderness

Gueguen thomas Bois d'Arcy, France

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Wild and super natural!
What an interesting job! The use of very strong and aggressive driftwood contrasts with the delicacy of the rounded leaves of the plants creating a dynamic and very vigorous layout.
Strong and well-placed shadows helped a lot in the construction of perspective since the trunks leave a gap that could have helped in the marking of the lines of forces.
The perfect choice and positioning of colors green plants below and red above compartmentalized and helped to mark the feeling of depth and distance which could be even more evident if the Rotalas of the bottom were in denser bushes.
The side reflection work is reasonable and the frontal plane could be more dynamic and detailed.
But even that works like these make us want to run out to see nature!
Congratulations very good work!!!
— Andre Longarço
Very impactful work. Full of speed. The use of wide lens completely helped to create this fast dynamic feeling. I just need some more maturity on the planting. Also a little deja vu feeling with other past winning works.
— Juan Puchades Rufino

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Wilderness
Volume 300L
Lighting Life aqua prime pro
Filtration 3000L/h
Plants Vesicularia weeping, Rotala Hra, anubia var nana, bolbitis heudelotii, riccardia chamedryfolia, bucephalandra sp
Animals Paracheirodon simulans , neocaridina japonica
Materials Millénium stone, river wood

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