Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Sanctuary
Volume 300L
Background white board
Lighting UVA430RGB * 2: 8 hours per day
Filtration ADA ES-1200
Plants Premium moss
Christmas moss
Jawa moss
Spiky moss
Oregon river moss
Bolbitis heudelotii
Aegagropila linnaei
Moss fan
Bucephalandra sp.
Anacharis densa
Marsilea sp.
Micanthemum tweediei
ceratopteris thalictroides
Fissidens fontanus
Potamogeton perfoliatus
Ranunculus inundatus
Animals Diamond Neon Tetra
Yamato Shrimp
Materials Rivera Soil
ADA La Plata Sand
Lava stones
Strong intense and dynamic but plants were missing at the top of the layout as "trees" as strong and millenary as these would certainly have a very vigorous and leafy treetop.
Take care with the foreground... It is too flat aligned and monotonous. It doesn't match with the rest of layout that was very and detailed worked okay?
Nice job congrats!