#149: 116.6L Aquatic Garden My green refuge

Bruno Ismael Rosa Pimenta Queijas, Portugal

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 81 × 36 × 40 cm
Title My green refuge
Volume 116.6L
Background Shale stone slate
Lighting T8 -Day light (18 W)
T8 - Warm Light (18 W)
Filtration Juwel Bio Flow L
Juwel EccoSkim
Plants Anubias barteri, Anubias barteri var. nana , Java Fern, Valisnerias, Alternanthera Reineckii (Red Ruby) and Micranthemum Monte Carlo Tweediei
Animals 30 Poecilia sphenops (black Molly)
6 Paracheirodon Innesi (Neon Tetra)
4 Otocinclus Affinis
3 Corydoras Julii
Materials Driftwood, Black Lava rock and river pebbles
Additional Information SERA CO2 START
Bedee Nano Originator with bubble diffuse

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