Dimensions 60 × 45 × 36 cm
Title Shallow distance
Volume 97L
Background Film foggy
Lighting Chihiros wrgb2slim
Filtration Oase biomaster 600 seachem matrix
Plants Anubias, montecarlo, Staurogyne repens, bucephalandras, rotalas blyxa japonica, eleocharis mini, ludwigia mini, fissidens, chrismas mos.
Animals Embertetras 15
Rasbora galaxy
Materials Driftwood
Garden pebbles
Additional Information Ferts plantedbox lean
Soil amazonia 1
Good proportions and good textures and colours.
Maybe the Anubias in the foreground should be smaller but the size is on the edge.
The point is: Everything is so perfect and sharp more naturalness would be welcome. I miss the Natural atmosphere the Wabi Sabi concept.
Keep scaping!!!