#199: 38L Biotope Aquascape Rio Negro, Brazil: Shallow flooded forest at the source of a small Igarapé

Parth Patel Wilmington, United States


While you definitely have the black water feel to your tank the deep unnatural "v" shape to the sticks plus the very straight uniform unbranching nature of the wood takes away from the natural look that I think you are trying to convey.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 51 × 25 × 30 cm
Title Rio Negro, Brazil: Shallow flooded forest at the source of a small Igarapé
Volume 38L
Background Black paint
Lighting Dimmed led light
Filtration Eheim 2213 canister
Plants None
Animals 8 Paracheirodon innesi
Materials Wood branches
Additional Information This biotope was my attempt to recreate a shallow flooded forest of a Igarape nearby the Rio Negro, Brazil. I used a variety of leaf colors to resemble the fallen leaves of the forest. I also used a dimmed light to stimulate the dimmed lighting of the shaded river.

I would have preferred using paracheirodon axelrodi in this tank rather than paracheirodon innesi, but I felt as though my tank was a bit small for them.

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